Master Illustrator - Tsui Shing On Exhibition, Bruce Lee 50th year Anniversary - Wing ChunWorkshop


  • Sun 16-07-2023 1:30 PM - 1 h 30 m
  • Sun 16-07-2023 3:30 PM - 1 h 30 m

Fringe Underground



Wing Chun is an emerging and popular martial art. The martial art was brought to Hong Kong and then the rest of the world by Ip Man, with Bruce Lee being his most famous student. The workshop includes the following:
- Brief introduction to beginner techniques, Siu Nim Tau (Little Idea)
- Techniques for self-defence, attack and defence sparring
- Sticking single hand sparring
- Applying techniques including Palm up hand, Bridge-on hand, Slapping hand, etc.
*Participants will receive a special souvenir key ring

2023/7/16 (Sun) 1:30pm : Register Here

2023/7/16 (Sun) 3:30pm : Register Here

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