展览 - 电影
Canto Works X Fringe Club

- (五) 26-01-2018 7:30 PM - 2 小时 30 分
HKD 100, HKD 80 (艺穗会会员) ,HKD70(60岁或以上长者,全日制学生,残疾人士)
Directed by Can TO │Written by Jenny LEE
*获London International Filmmaker Festival 2018年度最佳电影提名*
1967年4月位于新蒲岗的香港人造花厂发生劳资纠纷,工人不满厂方的新规定和厂方谈判,谈判破裂,群情汹湧,防暴警察介入,最终爆发了长达八个月的六七暴动,导致最少51人丧生,近2, 000人被定罪。
About Director Can To
Can To is an award-winning documentary film director and producer with twenty years’ experience. Before founding CANTO WORKS, she was a senior TV producer at RTHK where she produced over 20 episodes of the acclaimed documentary series Hong Kong Connection.
Can’s production has won great international acclaims for the last two decades. In 1998, Where Women Ruled, a documentary film on Moso Tribes in Yunnan Province in China won the New York International Film Festival Finalist Award. A War Without Guns, a documentary film about AIDS orphans in China, won the Silver Award of United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) in 2005. In 2010, Little Photographer an independent documentary film on children photographers in Sichuan province in China after 512 Earthquake, won the New York International TV and Film Festival GOLD Award.
Can holds a Master degree in Communication Studies from the Leeds University in the UK.