Fiesta Charlie & MSF
拉阔 - 音乐会

- (五) 30-12-2022 8:00 PM - 1 小时 30 分
$390, $360 (Fringe Member)
多才多艺的新生代歌手 Charlie,将与来自Music Stage Fantasy 的乐手,来一场点缀年末的音乐盛会! Charlie & Music Stage Fantasy希望打破年代和背景的界限,籍着精心设计的歌单,贯穿时代金曲,为大家分享彼此热爱的音乐世界!
• Admission: 30 minutes before showtime.
• Free seating. No more than twelve people can sit side-by-side.
• Proof of a negative rapid test within 24 hours before entering
In the view of the COVID-19 pandemic, please observe the following precautionary measures:
• Please follow the latest Prevention and Control of Disease Regulations and related vaccine bubble requirements as specified by the Government.
• Audience members must have received 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine or 2nd dose if within 6 months from 2nd dose.
• Scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code before you enter the venue.
• Have your temperature checked at the designated entrance.
• Masks must be worn throughout the venue.
*Changes to existing arrangements may occur in light of new pandemic measures and government directives. Please refer to government announcements for updates.