Sans Etiquette
Exhibition - Comedy
Sony Chan, Phyllis Wang, Mike Wong

- Wed 28-02-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Thu 01-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Fri 02-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Sat 03-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Mon 05-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Tue 06-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Wed 07-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Thu 08-03-2018 8:00 PM - 1 h 15 m
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
HKD 280 ( Standard) HKD 224 ( Fringe members) * Language: The show is in Cantonese on 28Feb,01&03Mar; Show is in French on 02Mar.
In Cantonese
A few tickets available on 2 Mar show. All shows in Cantonese are sold out.
Sony Chan is coming
"Sony Chan, the most Parisian of Hongkongese is finally coming back to her hometown with a live performance full of glamour and cool.
In her bible of good manners, Sony will show tips to remain well behaved and chic in the subway, as showing us the know-how for the immigrants in France.
Convinced that these rules are universal, her excentricity reflects La France disillusioned and the nostalgia of Hong Kong in the 80's. Her humor crossed all social classes and genres.
* Language: The show is in Cantonese on 28Feb,01&03Mar; Show is in French on 02Mar.
* Age Limit: 6+
* Duration: 75 min