Hana Mail Ichirin Solo Exhibition by Hiromi Fujiwara
Hiromi Fujiwara

- Mon 03-05-2021 to Mon 10-05-2021
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
Free Admission
Together, the Japanese words “hana” and “ichirin” mean “Single open flower”.
Hiromi Fujiwara paints contemporary, abstract, minimalist oil paintings of simple flower figures with vivid colours, evoking peaceful moments.
This is the artist’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong.
Hiromi was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1967. After graduating, she joined Cathay Pacific Airways in 1990 as a cabin attendant, based in Hong Kong. Since childhood she has shown a particular interest in drawing and art creation. So despite her job commitments she decided to learn fine art, and in 2011 she graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design. In 2013 her artwork was selected to be shown in the prestigious Tokyo NIKA Exhibition, and since then she has participated in that exhibition every year.
Currently she continues her flight duties and enjoys attending art events in Japan and Hong Kong.
Previous Exhibition and Award
Kansai NIKA Exhibition in Kyoto Kyocera New Museum in Japan
Art Next Expo +Ve/-Ve Exhibition in Hong Kong
2019 & 2018
Asia Contemporary Art Show in Hong Kong
Group Exhibition Yamashita Gallery in Kyoto Japan
2019 - 2015
NIKA Exhibition in Tokyo National New Museum in Roppongi in Japan
Kansai NIKA Exhibition Sankei Shinbunsya Award in Osaka Museum in Japan
Art Exhibition at Cathy Pacific Airways Head office in Hong Kong
Group Exhibition in Kyoto IKenobo College Art Space in Japan
Kansai NIKA Exhibition 50th Special Anniversary Award in Kyoto Museum in Japan
Bella Epoca Doujima Gallery in Kyoto and NIKA Exhibition Tokyo New Museum in Japan
Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday 11:00 - 19:00
Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays
The artworks are for sale.
Enquiries: Ms C Ting Chan (ctingchan@hkfringeclub.com)