【Cancelled】Hong Kong Stories January 2022 Live Show – Reveal
Exhibition - Stand-up Comedy
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 13-01-2022 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$135 (At Door)
$120 (Adult)
$100 (Fringe Club Member)
In English
Show Cancellation
Due to the latest government restriction imposed under the pandemic situation, "Hong Kong Stories January 2022 Live Show – Reveal" scheduled on 13 January (Thu) at the Jockey Club Studio Theatre has been cancelled. Stay safe and see you all at Fringe soon!
Have you ever divulged some information at the wrong time? Let slip something that should not have come out? Released something by accident?
Or maybe you unveiled when you should have covered up? Communicated when you should have zipped up? Laid bare what should have stayed hidden?
Or perhaps you unmasked yourself, found a friend where you thought there was an enemy, or discovered an enemy lurking behind the face of a friend?
Come and hear some true stories on the theme of REVEAL.
This show is being pulled together by the conspiratorial hands of Rachel.
Hong Kong Stories is a not-for-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling.
More information is revealed at www.hongkongstories.com
It’s better than drama. It’s better than comedy. It’s real life.
* Please note that to comply with the government’s social distancing rules and to help keep everyone safe, the seating capacity for this show will be greatly reduced.
Show Type: Live Storytelling Performance
Age Limit: 16+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, with a 15-minute intermission
Email: enquiry@hkfringeclub.com
Tel: 2521 7251 / 5616 1233 (WhatsApp)