The Art of "Interethnic Listening" (Guizhou, China)
LiveMusic - Miao Nationality Music, World Music

- Sat 19-01-2013 2:00 PM - 2 h
Fringe Dairy
$130 (in advance); $140 (on the day) includes one special drink

Dieel Guik is a member of the H’mong ethnic group from the mountainous areas of central Guizhou, southern China, and Andy Bauer is an American from the Colorado Rocky Mountains who has lived in many Asian countries, studying languages and musical cultures.
In 2011, while researching art anthropology at Minzu University in Beijing, they established this unique music group, to create a dialogue between different cultures. Their music celebrates the sounds and rituals of the mystical mountains of the tropical south and the frigid north, the deserts to the west, and the oceans to the east.