Screening and discussion “After the Year, Separation of Generation”
Exhibition - Documentary Film Screening
Amour Film、Fringe Club

- Fri 02-11-2018 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
HKD 60, HKD48 (M)
Cantonese with English subtitles
In the past three years, it has been a time for Hong Kong people to deeply experience the changes of society. The aggregation and separation of people have caused wounds that are difficult to heal.
From the struggles of a father in “Hong Kong's Weepie”, to the Hong Kong teen striving for autonomy in “The Autonomous Era”, and to the story of a couple missing their daughter after the Umbrella Movement in “Turbulence”, we would like to visibly, or metaphorically, describe our stories of Hong Kong.
History is being answered by time. While we are still readying to react, time has already gone for years and years. In 2019, the film "Elisa's Day" produced by Tsim Ho Tat and directed by Fung Chi Hang Alan (acquired the "4th First Feature Film Initiative (Professional Group)" award) will continue our theme of concern: “After the Year, Separation of Generation”.